Bicep Training
Last week I spoke about back training, and how you can optimize your sessions with respect to your back. Today I’ll be following this theme but instead with biceps. Like the other muscle groups we’ve spoken about, it’s important to bear in mind the makeup of the given muscle. For biceps, they’re primarily fast twitch, meaning they won’t require large amounts of training volume. Bicep training is interesting because it’s a muscle that’s used secondarily in our back training. This is because the primary purpose of the bicep is to perform elbow flexion. Or, to move your wrist closer to your shoulder. This means that whenever we do something like a row, our biceps will be recruited. This is important to keep in mind because it further reduces the amount of training volume an individual will need. Given this information our training volume goals are as follows: Maintenance Volume: Four sets per week Minimum Eff...